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LeadConnector Mobile App Update - v3.65.3

LeadConnector Mobile App Update - v3.65.3

February 09, 20241 min read

To update the mobile app, search for "Lead Connector" in your phone's app store


  • Introducing enhanced communication capabilities with the addition of support for attachments in WhatsApp messages.

  • Easily identify and manage Live Chat conversations with the new Live Chat filter.

  • Now you can filter manual messages with precision, making it easier than ever to locate and manage specific messages within your conversations

  • Enjoy a more informed and intuitive video sharing experience via message. It shows preview for the sent video message now.

conversations fix

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Now you can effortlessly organize your tasks by Assignees or filter tasks that are Unassigned to any contacts.

tasks fix 1

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  • Fixed issues where Request Payment and Invoice creation were not working as expected.

  • Resolved an issue where tasks weren't updating as expected when modified directly from a contact.

  • Addressed a concern causing the message channel to inadvertently reset to SMS when generating a payment link.

  • Several fixes related to Contact Do Not Disturb settings to ensure a smoother and more reliable experience.

To update the mobile app, search for "Lead Connector" in your phone's app store

mobile app
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Prestige Rep is an all-in-one sales and marketing platform powered by Ai

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